This is a philosophical porno. Do not look beyond this page if you are any of the following:
  1. A dork.
  2. Easily offended.
  3. Retarded.
  4. Pregnant.
  5. Mother of a retarded child.
  6. Suicidal.
  7. Hungry.
  8. Retarded.
  9. Human.
  10. A watermellon.
  11. Your Mom
  12. A Hamburger.
  13. A Hamburger.
  14. Mr. Pure.
  15. Really cool.
  16. Ex Confidant of the soon to be stradled Mrs. Penny.
  17. 2 late 4 food.
  18. alive.
  19. REtardED
  20. Wacky.
  21. Weird.
  22. Wild.
  23. Reterded ed
  24. Dead
  25. did
  26. reTurndead did dead.
  27. did deadidy dad
  28. dead
Well, that should take care of everyone. EAR!!!
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